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the birth of cat and dog in wulanyilli

cat and dog started in a small village in ghana in the year 2006. we went as volunteers to wulanyilli to help at the primary school of this rural village. when we arrived we were surprised that the teachers were on strike (and most of them striked for three months) and there were only 5 books for all children at school. and these books were absolutely unusable because the level was way to high for our pupils. thats why we started on the first day to make our own material, with the help of the old laptop and portable printer that were in our luggage. we tought the pupils the abc, by learning them day by day 6 words with every letter of the alphabet. after 26 days we added some useful verbs, prepositions, colours and shapes.


after 12 intensive weeks most children had a very basic level of understanding english and reading in general. the only problem was that there were no books to read. thats why we decided to make our own books and that's how the cat and dog series started.


the village of wulanyilli in the northern region of ghana (close to tamale). click this image to see wulanyilli on google maps.

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the children of wulanyilli primary school after schooltime, posing in their village.


we are posing with all pupils of wulanyilli primary school.

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the exterior of wulanyilli primary school. class p2, p3 and p4 studied in this building, class p1 was educated outside under the tree. nowadays a new building is in use.

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the classroom of class p4, the highest level of education at wulanyilli primary school.

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class p4 at work with in the back on the wall some posters.


first drawings of cat, dog and elephant on the blackboard of wulanyilli primary school.


our provisionally 'office' at our guestfamily: an old laptop, portable printer and outdated digital camera helped us to produce the first editions of the cat and dog books.


elke and melle (the daughter from our guestfamily) colouring the abc-posters.


melle (the daughter of our guestfamily) helped us to colour the first abc-posters.

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to keep all cat and dog books clean and tidy we bought an official library box.

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the pupils of class p3 receiving their own copies of the cat and dog books.


rahama receiving her copy of cat and dog.

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the pupils of class p3 happily showing their copies of the cat and dog books. at that time we had 5 different books, so they could exchange with eachother.

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after only 12 weeks of study, with just a basic knowledge of english, most children were able to read the cat and dog stories.

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the pupils of class p2 received a copy of a cat and dog colouring and play book.

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the pupils of class p4 receiving their cat and dog books. besides the poster of the upcoming elections, these books were the ony thing to read in the whole village.

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the teachingteam of wulanyilli primary school at our last day at school. as a gift we received the traditional ghanaian clothing.

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cat and dog has always been a voluntary project. the goat on this picture is the only asset we have ever received in return.

cat and dog around the world

after returning from our stay in ghana, we contacted the biblionef foundation in the netherlands. they printed and distributed the first collection of 6 cat and dog books. in 2014 another 5 books were added to this collection and the first books were redesigned and reprinted in an edition of 5000 books. the estimation is that 1 book is read by 10 children, so 50.000 children of all over the world learn to read with cat and dog.


if you have any additional pictures, please send them by clicking this link.

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cat and dog in zimbabwe.

cat andf dog piqto in ghana

cat andf dog piqto in ghana

cat and dog in gambia

cat and dog in gambia

Maartje Laos

cat and dog in laos.

cat and dog in ghana (bolgatanga)

cat and dog in ghana (bolgatanga)

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cat and dog at a readingfestival in ghana


cat and dog in ghana


cat and dog in ghana


cat and dog card game in ghana


cat and dog card game in indonesia


cat and dog card game in indonesia

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cat and dog in uganda.

cat andf dog piqto in ghana

cat andf dog piqto in ghana

Cat and Dog in India

cat and dog in india

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cat and dog in india.


cat and dog in zambia.

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letter from ghana.

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cat and dog in nigeria (emenint charity foundation).


cat and dog in kenya.


cat and dog in kenya.


cat and dog in kenya.


cat and dog in kenya.


cat and dog in ghana (compassion for humanity foundation)


cat and dog in the philippines.

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cat and dog in ghana.

cat and dog worldmap

© 2006-2017 - rené & elke leisink

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